I met with my friend, Rosie, in town at about half eleven. We met in Waterstones and had a look around the books for a while before heading off to H&M, where I bought a black jumper, and then off to Topshop, where we complained about the price of the clothes! It was nice just trying on random stuff and having a laugh, the people working at the shops kept trying to hide the fact that they were laughing at our conversations. Then we got a bit bored of clothes so we decided to walk to Poundland to buy a load of sweets and chocolate so that we could just pig out! Whilst pigging out we just sat and bitched about people we knew, who we do and don't like at school, who has been doing what with who, reading each others funny text conversations etc. It was fun just to have a talk with someone and eat as much chocolate as you can! We then moved onto the park, we had been joking for ages about meeting up at the skatepark and meeting some skater boys (like a cheesy Avril Lavigne song :P). We did see some nice looking guys there but a lot of them hung out in group with skater girls... so that plan didn't go so well... we just continued to eat our chocolate without any guys before going to the library.
We read for a while in the library, borrowed the books then read in the park between chatting. We stayed there for a while but then it got chilly and I needed to pay Rosie back for half of the sweets so we went to Costa Coffee where I bought us both Fruit Coolers, we were in Costa for ages messing on our phones and 'snap chatting' pictures of us drinking said fruit coolers. The only thing you could hear in Costa was us laughing and the sound of the coffee machine. On leaving we decided we wanted to get friendship bracelets from the shop across the road, so we went in and got one each, mine is blue, orange and red and Rosie's is different shades of purple and a bit of pink. After buying the bracelets we realised that it was time to catch the bus home, so we read the books we had borrowed from the library at the bus stop. We were the loudest people on the bus, whilst everyone else sat in silence we giggled and commented on our texts to random people.
Once back home we put on a film but pretty much ignored it whilst looking at each others Facebook friends and trying to find the hottest guys. I had such a fantastic day and I am so glad to have such awesome friends.
The whole of Costa was ours! |
Friendship bracelets!! |
Rosie wanting to steal a Costa sign for her room...... I wouldn't let her :P |
Love you guys <3